Tour GHS-TV, Learn About Fine Arts Dept. During Thursday's GHS Open House
/The annual Germantown High School Creative and Performing Arts PPAG Open House is being merged into the Germantown High School Open House set for this Thursday night from 6 until 7:30.
Along with the normal events planned for the school-wide open house, parents and students are invited to attend a special GHS CAPA meeting and a performance by the GHS choir. Fine arts students will also lead tours of the department, which will include the school’s community theatre, the Poplar Pike Playhouse, and its community television station, GHS-TV. Parents will have the opportunity to sign up for the Poplar Pike Arts Guild and other parent support groups.
The Germantown High School Open House is Thursday, August 21 from 6-7:30 p.m. All parents should report to their student’s 1st period class for a brief welcome video. After 1st period, parents may visit their student’s classrooms and meet the teachers. Bells will not ring to move parents from class to class during the event. The night is structured as a “meet and greet.” Parents who would like to have a conference with a teacher can sign up for the next designated conference day, which is September 19.